Solar Systems

Enphase is the smart choice.


Make the most of your roof. Simple, smart technology from the leader in residential solar. The Enphase System delivers greater energy production, provides a faster return on your investment, and is more reliable and safer to own.



With Canadian solar panels an Enphase Micro inverter technology and an Envoy controller we will reduse those power bills and give you feedback via an AP to see the state of the system at any stage. Start saving on those costly power bills 


Solar Panel


Micro Inverter 

Micro Inverter



Envoy Controller



Lower your energy bills.


You can rest easy knowing you're making the smart choice in a system designed for maximum performance, which means more solar electricity and a lower utility bill.

Make the smart investment.


Unlike traditional technology, an Enphase System enables panels to operate independently, eliminating the effect one underperforming panel may have on the rest of the system.

Enjoy proven reliability.


The Enphase System is the result of stringent design and testing processes pioneered by the industry leader. With that comes the confidence to offer a 25-year limited warranty.

Call us today regarding your solar needs